Love At First Sight (Part One)

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

 I visited with a nice family in the kitchen for some time.  They were part of a larger family upstairs.  I then went to a room and found a very nice lady named Billie,  and spoke to her a long time.  She was very talkative.  We had a very good chat.  I hope she is there next week also.  

She told me how, during World War Two,  she was working in the badge office at Amarillo Air Base and her future husband, walked in to get a badge and when she looked at him she fell immediately in love.  He was then stationed in El Paso, TX, to train bomber pilots. He was in Amarillo for a short temporary duty. 

  He eventually went back to El Paso, but never forgot the badge lady.  They wrote letter's till the end of the war, and after the war was over they married. What a great love story!

Brother Roop
November 2, 2009


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