Four-Month-Old Baby

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

 I rocked a four-month-old African-American baby named "Destiny" today, she is a beautiful baby!  I rocked her for a little over two hours.  Even thou she had a feeding tube in her stomach, she slept the whole time.  It is a wonder that she could even sleep with a tube in her stomach!  

This beautiful baby was unable to suck, so she could not nurse, or drink from a bottle.  She was born with a very small brain and would not live very long.   It is so sad to see a life end so young!

We have babies here as patients from time to time.  It is sad to have a baby in pain and in poor health and dying so young.  This baby was a premature birth baby. 

 The parents were not there, but God was with her.  I was happy to be there to give baby Destiny a few hours of love and attention while her parents were away.  The only way that I could do was to rock her.

Do you know of a baby born premature?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop
Sept 12, 2009

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