Ho Chi Minh Trail Attack

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was sitting with an elderly gentleman named Gino, but went by the nickname Jerry,  as he finished his lunch of baked fish.  It smelled so delicious!  We really have great food here at our hospice!  He had a healthy appetite and eat most of it.  He was dying of a bad heart, not a bad stomach!

He was a Vietnam War veteran and he told me stories of his time of service.  He was a sergeant that served on B-52 bombers.  He would receive and send out military codes as they were flying combat missions.

I had asked him what mission was it that he remembered the most.  He mentioned one time their was a mass bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.  Several bombing formations of B-52's took off and attacked the trail from different directions.  He was in one of them.

During their attack, enemy surface-to-air missiles came up at them from everywhere it seemed!  Two bombers in his formation were hit and went down!  He said that he was very frightened that day!  He had heard later that in total, sixteen bombers were lost that day.

He said that the mission was a success because they really whipped out the trail in many different locations up and down the trail.  The trails through the Laotian jungles were just made of dirt and were easily repairable.  They could repair it but it still would slow down the flow of enemy arms coming down south.

Have you been a part of an important military mission?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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