Culinary School

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was visiting with a very nice couple in a room of an elderly lady.  The lady was the mother of the woman standing over her.  Her mother had a fall and received a head would that is now dying!

The man next to me and the husband of the daughter.  He was a short and skinny man as was his wife.  After a short conversation I found out that he was a chef by trade.  That perked up my interest.

I shared with him that some day I would like to attend culinary school.  He was very attentive to me about it, but didn't seem to want to talk about his career as a chef, which kinda of struck me as odd.
So I didn't bring it up.

We talked for a few minutes more and they took their leave to the break room.  I didn't follow them, but instead moved some cushions from the room across the hall into their room, where their mother was.  It was a fast visit but was still pleasant.

Have you ever been to Culinary School?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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