#1 In The Draft!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was with an elderly man at our hospice, visiting with him just after his lunch of baked fish.  His name was Gino but went by the nickname Jerry.  He told me stories about his upbringing in Mattoon Illinois.  He had good memories of his raising on the family farm.

When he turned eighteen years ago he registered for the military draft as all eighteen years old boys had too.  At those days the  war in Vietnam was raging!  He then found out that he was number one in the draft for his county!

With the realization that he was guaranteed to be drafted, he decided to join the Air Force.  The Air Force or the Navy was always better than the Army or Marines!  The survivor rate was much better!

He was accepted by the Air Force and they made him a code breaker.  A code breaker on bomber's over combat areas!  He smiled real big as I understand it.  He joined the Air Force as a safer option but ended up in a combat zone anyway!

Do you know of anyone who was number one in the draft?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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