He Was Going To Pee On Himself!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice with a young twenty-year-old shadow named Nellie.  A shadow is a new hospice volunteer who shadows an experienced volunteer to smooth their transition into the environment.  Nellie is a very nice young lady who has an interest in becoming a doctor.

We asked the nurses on who we could visit and they mentioned the patient right behind us.  So we turn around and I enter the room with Nellie right behind me.  When we walked into the room we could tell right away that the patient was a little agitated!

He is wiggling around in his bed and then started to get out of bed!  The patient is a middle-aged man.  I quickly ask the patient what the problem he was experiencing.  He said that he had to pee very badly!
He tells me that he is going to pee on himself!  I tell the patient not to get up because he is a fall risk.

I turn and tell his nurse to come right away!  His nurse is a man named Yannick, an immigrant from the country of Cameroon.  He slowly walks over which kind of annoyed me.  The patient was in very great distress!  I told the patient that if he has to go he can go in his bed and that can all be cleaned up!

I look at Nellie and she is very nervous and has a scared look of her face!  All I could think of was that Nellie was getting a little taste of medicine!  With Yannick in the room now and he was going to escort the patient to the bathroom just feet away, I notion to Nellie that we need to leave.

I walk out of the room with Nellie at me heels.  She was very nervous and very happy to get out of there!  I just smiled at her and know that it was a very good learning experience for her!

Have you ever had a learning experience before?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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