Heidi's Sad Story

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I came to volunteer at our hospice at my regular time of nine-in-the-morning.  My shadow let me know that she would be coming in a little later.  I would find out the Heidi doesn't like to get out of bed too early!  I didn't tell her that I was up by six this morning.

Heidi was in her sixties and retired from her job as a secretary for doctor's.  She was originally from the state of Bavaria in Germany.  After all these years she still had a small accent!  She is a very sweet lady with a sad story.

She was a young lady in the seventies living in Bavaria in Germany.  In those days it was called West Germany, before the reunification.  While there she met an American serviceman serving there with the American Army.

They fell in love and got married even though her family warned her not too.  Eventually, they returned to the United States, settling in Charleston, South Carolina.  There he worked as a truck driver and Heidi became a house wife.

While he was a truck driver, he had many girlfriends on the side!  Heidi had heard about them and one even called her on the phone!  But she was alone in this country and felt kind of trapped, so she stuck with him.

Her husband then decided to be a police officer!  He went through the training and became a police officer.  He really loved being a cop, it was his line of work.  But Heidi would find out that he would become a crooked cop with more girlfriends!

He would confiscate illegal guns at work while being a cop and he would bring them home to keep!  That was illegal for him to do that, but cops a lot of the times don't obey the laws they are charged to enforce!

He then went to another part of the state to learn how to fly a helicopter of the Police Department.  He did his training and had a girlfriend there as well!   He came back as a police helicopter pilot.  Heidi continued to get frustrated with his playing around.

So, Heidi finally divorced him and got a job to support herself.  It was not too long after that that her now ex-husband crashed his helicopter and was killed!  But, because they were divorced, she could not collect any of his life insurance money!

Heidi then moved here to Houston, Texas to be near her daughter.  She worked in doctor's offices until she retired when she was sixty-five years old.  Now she is here and wants to volunteer with us.  She did a great job with me in the three hours that I had her to train.  I wish her well!

Do you know of anyone whose spouse would cheat?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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