The Showdown

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had just arrived at our hospice on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.  Normally I go in at about nine in the morning, but I needed to take my wife to the doctor, I was running a bit later today.  But that is okay, family comes first always!

I had just taken my yearly TB test and had made a copy and put it in the volunteer office box.  While I was doing that, and I was in the back copy room, I hear a black lady carrying on about another volunteer!

If she is looking someone to to complaint about, she just found someone!  I walk out of the copy room with my fangs showing and a deep growl in my voice, metaphorically of course!

I said in a stern voice, "what is the problem?"  The nurse said that one our new volunteers, one I helped train, had asked her one question three times already.  I lift up her badge and said, "who are you?"  She tells me her name, but I know her name.  When I asked that I meant, "who are you to complain about a new volunteer.

I told her that she needs to be more patient with new volunteers.  We are not getting paid to be there, we are volunteering our time to make the nurses job a little easier!  I told her that she needs to be more grateful for that help!

New people ask silly questions sometimes.  Sometime they ask the same questions again.  We all go through that period of cutting our teeth and learning.  We all need to be patient and help each other out in life!

Do you know of anyone learning a new job or roll in life?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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