The Educators

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My shadow for today, Elizabeth,  and I, were visiting with a very nice African-American lady.  Her mother was in bed and dying.  We decided to go in and provide some comfort and compassion in her time of emotional need.

As the three of us had talked for awhile, we found out that the lady we were visiting was a retired educator.  I also found out that my shadow was also a retired educator.  These two lady's immediately bonded.

They sat and talked about the schools they attended, taught at, and the schools in their neighborhoods. They told stories about city planning, or the lack of city planning in the city and the communities were they lived.

They were proud educators and were proud of the students that they crafted and how they touched their lives.  I was proud of both of them and amazed of this surprised bonding that I was witnessing.

We were there in the room for several hours and only left when the nurses aid came in to turn the patient and to give her the care that she required.  Elizabeth and I left happy and content that we did some good today!

Are you or do you know an educator?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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