Her Escape From Germany

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was in a room with a middle aged lady and her mother, whom was the patient.  The  lady told me  little about her mother and her family.  It impressed me about the fortitude of this fine ninety-six year old lady laying in the bed!

The patient was a young sixteen year old girl living in Nazi Germany.  One chaotic night her and her brother had to make an escape from their own country and people and the only home that they knew.

Her father was a talented accountant and was sending money out of the country to the Jews that it belonged too and was lucky enough to escape!  When her father found out that the German Gestapo was investigating him, he sent his children to safety!

Her father would not go, the Gestapo was watching him.  He would sacrifice himself and make sure his children got to safety. They had an Aunt in Germany but she was very cruel!

Our now patient, who was only sixteen fled to Prague in Czechoslovakia.  Her brother who was eighteen, fled to London, England.  This awesome patient had lived more life in twenty-one years than most of us live in a lifetime!

Do you know of a great escape story?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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