The Bed Hopper

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Getting to the hospice was a problem this morning.  They M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital was putting on a five-kilometer walk to raise money for colorectal cancer research.  The street in front of our hospice was blocked off except for one lane and lots of people walking on the other lanes.

As soon as I get there and walk to the first floor nurses station, Sarah, the charge nurse looks at me and smiles.  She blurts out, "I need you on the third floor!"  I start to laugh and Sarah says, "Doesn't it feel good to be wanted!"  I said that it sure does!

I went upstairs to the third floor nurses station and they tell me which room I need to be in.  A bearded man in his sixties is in bed, getting up out of bed and taking his clothes off.  A not uncommon sight due to the medication they sometimes give to patients.  Those patients are called "bed hoppers."

When I walked into the room, he was in bed and quiet.  That changed quickly.  He was in and out of consciousness and when he was  awake he would try to take off his diaper and get out of bed.  He was very strong and it took everything I had to keep him in bed!

I was battling him for four hours!  Finally after several medication injections, he settled down and was asleep.  I was wore out of four hours of keeping him in bed.  Sometimes he was quiet and sometimes he would come out of it and struggle with me.  But it gave the nurses a much needed break from him!

Have you experienced a bed hopper?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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