Losing A Volunteer!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on a beautiful Saturday morning training a new volunteer named Christina.  She had met me here at nine-in-the-morning.  I spent a solid two hours visiting patients with Christina by my side.  Now at eleven-in-the-morning, I had another new volunteer to train!

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Her name is Glenda, a young plump African-American lady.  She was very well-spoken and did a wonderful job as well.  Glenda is a realtor by trade but we talked about social issues in-between visiting patients.

During our training session I got side-tracked by a lady who asked for some crayons.  While I was walking around with her looking for some, Glenda started to visit patients on her own!  I found that out because I couldn't find her when I was done looking for the crayons!

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I started to look for her and even asked the nurses if they had seen her anywhere, they just shook their heads and smiled at me!  It's one of the few times that I lost a volunteer!  But after about thirty minutes she came out of a room where she was visiting.  Glenda was just amazing!

Have you ever lost someone before?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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