Fellow Trucker

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on an unseasonably warm and muggy morning.  I had a new trainee shadowing me today.  His name was Hatim, a college student from Rice University.  You can read more about Hatim in the post called, "Bag of dry bones."

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We walked into a room just across the nurses station on the second floor.  Lying in bed was an elderly African-American lady.  Her middle-aged son was sitting in the back of the room, on the couch, by the window.  To our left sitting in the chair was his wife.

I sat down next to the son, and Hatim pulled up the stool next to the wife.  Both were very nice folks.  I spoke with the patients son and found out that he was a truck driver!  He hauled chemicals for Sprint Transportation!  I shared that I drove for Trimac Transportation, also hauling chemicals!

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We had a great time talking about trucking and all of the shared customers we delivered too.  We are old school truckers and reflected on the old days!  we had a nice time talking and sharing, Hatim did a good job talking with his wife.

The best part of it was they enjoyed the visit as much as we did.  We left when the nurses came in to wash the patient, his mother.  We visited a few more folks, then popped in for another quick visit, then we were done for the day.  That is what I call a good visit!

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Have you ever had a good visit with someone in your industry?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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