A Bag Of Dry Bones

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I walked into our hospice a little after nine-in-the-morning.  It was unseasonably warm and humid out, but with it snowing up north, I'm not complaining!  I walked in the front doors and sitting on the couch is a young man.  His name is Hatim, pronounced, "Hotem."

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I did not get an email about training anyone today, so I was a bit surprised when he called me by name!  He was a surprise trainee!  No problem, I introduced myself and we got started.  He was in his last year at Rice University studying Biochemistry!  He has plans of going to medical school.

He was a very skinny young man in his early twenties, he is of Indian ancestry and wore glasses.  His parents were of Indian ancestry and immigrated to Pennsylvania from the country of Tanzania.  Hatim himself was born and raised in Pennsylvania.

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He was a little bit difficult to talk with due to his very reserved and dry personality.  For a young man he was a bag of dry bones!  I tried to liven things up by giving him the nickname of "Hot" in front of the nurses, he didn't like that very much!

After we were done visiting patents and families, I brought up religion.  Earlier he said that he was an atheist.  He got offended by that also!  I only had him for about two hours and he was a no- personality bag of dry bones!  Hopefully he will grow out of it!

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Do you know of a person that has a dry personality?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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