Born On The Island

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I walked in the room with a beautiful young lady named Christina.  The room had an elderly African-American lady lying in bed and four of her family members here in the room.  One young couple was from East Texas, and the other two were from Galveston, Texas.

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We had a good time chatting with each other.  I found out that the patient was from Galveston, and that she was born on the island!  Now, too most people, that would not have any meaning.  But, to everyone on Galveston Island that means a lot!

The term "BOI" means "Born on the Island."  There are two groups of people on Galveston Island, the BOI's and everyone else!  The island BOI's all know who they are, and they all stick together against the "others."

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Anyway, that gives you a small glimpse of the Galveston Island politics.  I didn't bring any of that up, because they didn't.  It was more appropriate for them to talk about family matters,  which was fine with me.

We talked about the patient and her family, especially the couple from East Texas.  He was a local minister of a Baptist Church there, and they were a fine couple.  Yes, it was much better to speak of family matters and not politics!

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Do you know of a town or an area that has unique politics?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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