Back And Ready To Go

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I came in an my regular schedule to volunteer at our hospice.  I always come in at nine-in-the-morning.  Waiting for me there was a pretty and slim young lady in her forties.  Her name is Christina and she was eager to continue her training with me this morning.

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She already had shadowed with another of our volunteers last week and she was told that I would be a little different!  The lady Christina shadowed last week is very organised and detail orientated.  I'm a little different, as I just kind of float around like a butterfly!

Christina had just moved to Houston from Switzerland!  She is an American and she worked there for a large company in the Global Human Resources side of business.  She shared with me what she did there, but I didn't really understand.

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Christina did an awesome job when she shadowed me.  She was very talkative and in-gauged with the patients and family members well.  She shared with me that she wanted to volunteer on Saturdays also.  Sure enough, the very next week when I was with Maritza, also a new volunteer, she was already there and doing a wonderful job on her own!

Did you ever had to train some people?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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