The Maker Of Drapes

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on a nice Saturday morning and visiting folks.  I walked into a room with what looked like an elderly African-American lady lying in bed. She had the television very loud, because she was a little hard of hearing.

 I came in and asked her if she would like some company.  I pulled up the wooden stool that each of our rooms have in them, and st down to visit with her.  I asked her if she was from the local area, she said that she has been here for a few years but she was originally from Russellville, Arkansas.

She went on and shared with me that she had a long carrier at a factory that made drapes for homes and businesses. She would go into the homes and businesses and measure all of the windows, or wherever they needed drapes and record all of the measurements.  The customer would then pick out the material they wanted from a sample book.

Once they had the measurements and the number of drapes, they returned to the factory and made the drapes from the cloth samples that the customer had picked out.  The men would pull out the large bolts of cloth and assisted in the cutting of the cloth.

Once the cloth was cut to the sizes that they needed, the ladies would sew the drapes up using large industrial sewing machines.  I didn't ask her how long she had worked there, but it appears she had worked there a long time.

I told her that I had never met anyone who had made drapes for a living and I was honored to meet her!  She smiled and that thought made her feel good.  I told her that I never thought about where drapes came from, she smiled and said that a lot of them came from her!

Do you know of anyone who is a drape maker?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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