A Bad Joke

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I showed up at the hospice at around ten in the morning, or maybe a little earlier.  My usual time is around nine in the morning on Saturdays.  I was running a bit late today, but that's okay, I am free to come in anytime I want.

I arrived and walked in the door and Albert, our young Hispanic security guard is sitting there as usual.  We smile at each other and I stop the chat for awhile.

I asked him what was going on, and he replied that nothing was going on as usual.  I told him that he had it made working here!  He laughed and agreed with me. He seems pretty content sitting here all day and just looking at the internet.

After a while Albert wants to tell me a joke he had heard or read somewhere.  I said okay and to let me have it, as I prepare for the worst!

He says, "A woman confronts her husband and asked him why he doesn't bring her gifts anymore?  He tells her that once you catch a fish and drop it in the bucket, you don't have to re-bait the line to catch the same fish!"

I cringe when I heard that bad joke!  Albert giggled like a schoolboy!  He is young and has never married, so has not yet learned the valuable lessons of life!  I told him that he shouldn't ever get married, he giggled and said that he never would!

Do you know of anyone who likes to tell bad jokes?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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