
Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on my regular Saturday schedule.  I was on the third floor at the nurses station taking a little break.  A break now and then is a good thing.  At that station today was a man and two lady nurses.

The man was Yannick, an immigrant from the African country of Cameroon.  A short, cute little black lady, and Marie, a Hispanic lady that has her hair dyed blonde all of the time.  They are a great little group.

Yannick was telling me that he had lived in Miami, Florida for a while and he was telling me all about it.  The Miami cops and how they treated the tourists, the nude beach there, and the crazy tourists and traffic!

Yannick speaks French and I told him that he could talk the the large Haitian population there in Miami.  He told me that he only knew proper French.  The Haitian people don't speak French, or proper French.  They speak Creole.

He told me that when he would speak to them they would get very insulted because of Yannick's proper French.  They thought that he was talking down to them and that he thought that he was better then them!

Creole is a dirty French or French with a lot of local dialect in it.  They speak varieties of it in Miami, Canada, and Louisiana.  Those folks have a lot of pride and are offended by someone speaking proper French!

Do you know of someone who speaks Creole?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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