Naked Beach

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was on the third floor of the hospice and taking a little break at the nursing station.  Sitting there was a nice African-American nurse, named Yannick, from the West African nation of Cameroon.  He is a funny looking guy with a big round head!

We started to chat and he tells me that he had lived and traveled all up the East and central part of the United States.  He then told me that he had lived in Miami Florida for a while.  He said that he loved it because there were always parties everywhere.

Because it was a tourist town, the police were very relaxed and didn't bother people for the small stuff.  They wanted to protect the tourists and make sure that they would return!

He even said that there was a nude beach in Miami that the locals called, "Naked beach!". Nudity was technically illegal in Florida, but the police didn't bother them lying on the beach nude!

I was a bit amazed and looked it up on the internet, and he was right, there was a beach like that in the south side of the town.  I told Yannick that I guess that there are worst things to do!

Have you ever heard of a nude beach where you live?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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