The Meeting That Killed

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was in a room visiting an elderly patient, whom was sleeping due to medication, and one of her daughter's.  The daughters name was Donna who was here from East Texas.  Donna's father had passed away about five years ago.

Donna told me many stories over a three hour period.  Some of the stories that she told was about when she lived in Burton, Texas.  Burton is a little town in Central Texas of about three-hundred folks.  She loved the town and was involved with the local Baptist Church.

One day they had a town meeting concerning an empty lot in the center of the town.  Half of the towns people wanted to buy it and the other half did not.  It got to be a heated argument, when one man had a heart attack in the middle of the meeting.

Everyone was shocked!  An ambulance was called, but the man eventually passed away.  He died in a town argument about an empty lot in town.  At the time it seemed like a big deal, now its just seems like a shame that it happened.  The empty lot is still there.  A reminder of the meeting that killed!

Do you know of a meeting that caused a death?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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