The Little Boy

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was visiting with a nice Danish lady and her boyfriend, an older Hispanic man from Brownsville, Texas.  Well, he was originally from there. He had spent thirty-six years in the custody of the Texas Prison System.

He had been out of prison for the last two years and living in Pasadena, Texas.  She really loves him, even though they were such an odd couple.  I spent the whole morning with them.

He was a smoker for the last two years and that is how he got the lung cancer that is now killing him!  His sister gave him a bunch of cigarettes to give to his friends in prison when he was being released.  He tried it and liked smoking, and kept it up.  That is what gave him cancer.

He wanted a smoke, so I rolled him out into the garden to enjoy the outdoors and to smoke a cigarette.  I even lite the cigarette for him!  It left a nasty taste in my mouth!

As we were outside in the garden, the patient lifted up his head and said the he could see a little boy!  He asked who he was, I looked around and the three of us were there by ourselves!  He was seeing a little boy that we could not see.

The patients in hospice seeing people that no one else can see is common.  In fact it is one of the steps to dying.  The last two weeks it is common for patients to see invisible people!  After his cigarette, I was in the break room talking with Anita while the nurse wheeled them back into the hospice.  They wanted to lay together in the bed, so I had left them to have some privacy.

Have you ever seen an invisible person before?  Can you tell us about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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