My Ghost Story

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It was a nice spring Saturday around noon sometime. I had a shadow for the last three hours. A shadow is a new hospice volunteer who is tagging along with an experienced volunteer to learn the ropes. 

We had been visiting several patients and family members and have a fine time.  My shadow was an elderly lady in her sixties and was doing a wonderful job.  The last patient I didn’t even have to do anything, she did everything!

We had finished and were hanging out at the second-floor nurses’ station, just taking a break.  I looked down the hallway, about thirty-feet, and viewed an adult man.

The adult man walked from the left corner of the room to the right side of the room where the bed is located.  The two rooms at the end of the hallway are larger than the other rooms.  I clearly seen the man and didn’t think too much of it.

So, I glance to my right and wave my hand and say to my shadow, “there is someone we can visit.”  We immediately start to walk over to the room.  With my long legs, it doesn’t take long to travel thirty-feet. As I was walking to the room, I was looking for signs of other people or things inside. 

As we got to the doorway, my shadow dropped behind me and said, “I’ll let you go first!”  I don’t think that she seen the man, she was just a new volunteer and was a bit timid still.

I walk in expecting to see a man sitting on the couch by the bed and a patient in the bed.  Since I seen a man, I boldly walk in to introduce myself.  If I had seen a woman, I would had walked in more slowly, because women get startled much easily. 

I walk in and there is nobody in the room!  The bed to the right is even empty!  No patient and no other people in the room!  I look in the bathroom, nobody!  If anyone had walked out of the room, I would have seen them.  I clearly seen a man walk from left to right inside the room!

Because I have a brand-new hospice volunteer at my side, I needed to keep my cool.  I told her that I had clearly seen a man in the room, but I didn’t act panicky for her sake. I didn’t want to scare her off and have her quit.

So, I told her that that was strange, I had seen someone but now he is gone.  I certainly didn’t tell her that that room and the next room is famous for ghost children being reported there.

I was in the next room years ago, visiting a patient, when the patient seen two children behind me.  Children that I could not see myself!  There were many other reports of ghost children in these two rooms.  But I seen an adult man, not a child.  I don’t know, maybe he was there to collect the children and to take them home!

Have you ever seen a ghost?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


  1. When I was having reconstructive heart surgery at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, FL, O suffered csrdio-circulatoru collapse. In laymem:s terms, I died. Flatlined. No pulse. No vital signs. For 15 minutes they frantically worked on me with the defibrillator and CPR. I hovered above my body. I could see from the corner of the ceiling the nurses & doctor hustling around my bed. I remember the Dr. declaring my "code". He said, " You save who you can. You leave the rest." One of the nurses pleaded with him to try the defibrillator " one more time." At that moment I was looking down at them from the ceiling. A muscular blonde man with intense blue eyes, dressed in a white robe told me, "When God says, you are going to go back into that body." I looked down at my dead body with the tissue expander still in it. When the angel said "Go!" I went back into my body immediately. I felt like I had been struck by lightning. So, here I am
    The nurse whispered in my ear,"What did you see?" I told her I had seen Gabriel. But that he didn't have wings. She smiled a nice big smile. The Dr. was ecstatic. He asked me if I had any regrets about my previous life. I said, ",I wish I would have eaten more chocolate." He laughed. I was very thin at that time He asked the nurse to go buy me a Snickers bar & she did. It tasted so good!

    1. That is an awesome story! It's strange that all of the out-of-body experiences I have heard, report that they were in the top corner of the room looking down. I'm so happy that you came back to us. I pray that you now have a stronger relationship to Jesus Christ!


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