Austin, Texas

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on a beautiful Saturday morning.  I was in a room with a retired Austin, Texas, fire fighter.  He was with his mother, whom was the patient.  She was resting peacefully on the bed.  You can read more about him in the posts called, "The car fire," and "The waterbed fire."

We sat down and had a very nice visit.  He enjoyed the visit, and I liked it because he seemed a bit tense  at first and while I was talking to him, he seemed to relax.  We talked for about an hour until his older brother came into the room.  His older brother was not as friendly, and that is okay!

We talked about the traffic problem in Austin.  The people of Austin in their attempt to keep the city small, decided not to build a road loop around the city to make driving easier.  But, the people have moved into the city anyway!

I told him that both of my daughters went to St. Edwards University.  I bragged about what a great school that we all thought that it was, and they both got big academic scholarships!  I told him that my oldest daughter was on the first Crew team at St. Edwards.  He said that they made a bunch of noise in the morning on the lake.  He lived close to the Central Lake.

We talked about the new people in the city government are not like the "small town" people that used to be there.  The new folks are all about building the roads that the people of the city needs to get around.  That sounded very promising.  We both agreed that Austin, Texas was a beautiful city and a great place to live.

Have you ever been to Austin, Texas?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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