The Man From Buffalo

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on a Saturday morning. I was directed to a room of a patient at the end of the hall in one of the back rooms on the first floor. His name is Dennis and he is from Buffalo NY.  That city is from upper New York State, by the Canadian border.

He is an amazing and an interesting guy!  He was a retired Buffalo NY police officer.  He served with the police department for thirty-five years.  His last assignment for them was to command the 911 call center.  When he retired they named the building after him!  He was also an assistant police chief!

Dennis was also a volunteer firefighter for the city of Buffalo.  He rose high in that department also, and he told me a firefighting story in the post called, "I had to jump out of the window!"

He was an active church member and Christian. His church pastor was even his lead guitarist in his Country blues band.  Dennis showed me some videos of the band playing and they are very good!  Dennis is a great lead singer with a big strong voice.

I met one of his sons and a daughter and a pregnant grand daughter.  When his condition turned terminal, the folks in Buffalo did a fundraiser to rent a Lear jet to bring him home to die amongst friends and family.

 They raised over twelve thousand dollars and they were not even done!  That is a good indicator of the love of the city of Buffalo for this awesome man. He is truly "the man from Buffalo!"

Have you ever met someone from Buffalo?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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