Country Blues

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I have listened to music all of my life, but I had never heard of a  music genre  called Country Blues before.  But now I have heard of it, because I have now met Dennis.  Dennis is a patient at our hospice.

Dennis is from Buffalo NY and he has his own Country Blues band back in Buffalo.  He had an iPad and he showed me YouTube videos of his band and his favorite singer.  I don't remember who his favorite singer is, but I do remember that he is a Texas Blues singer.

Dennis certainly lived a full life until he got pancreatic cancer!  Now that his cancer is stage four, they deemed it terminal!  He has had to give up everything except listening to his music.

His music has carried him this far and will be with him until his end.  Music is also important to me as well, so I can understand the power of music in his life.

Do you know of anyone who plays the Blues?  Can you tell me abut it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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