One Way Road To Houston

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was in one of the back rooms on the first floor at our hospice with an elderly man named Dennis.  He had his daughter there this morning, and when she went to the airport back to Buffalo NY, his son arrived.

Dennis had been a Buffalo police officer for thirty-five years and a volunteer firefighter for twenty years.  He also had his own country blues band.  Dennis had lived a very busy life!

Dennis can play a very good guitar, and sing!  He was the lead singer of his band and he played rhythm guitar.  He showed me a video of the band playing, and his lead guitarist was out-of-this-world awesome!

Not long after sitting down with Dennis, he showed me a video of him playing a song he had written about himself.  The song is called, "One way road to Houston. "

It was about him leaving Buffalo NY and going to Houston to die in a cancer hospital down here.  Dennis has stage four pancreatic cancer!  It was a nice song and Dennis has a very strong voice!  The message of the song is very sad, but I think that it was a pychological helpful to him, to help him deal with his health condition.

Do you know of anyone who writes and songs their own songs?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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