Country Blues Singers

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was in the room of a patient from Buffalo, New York named Dennis.  He had stage four pancreatic cancer and was waiting on transportation back to Buffalo so that he could die among his friends and family.  Last week I spent all morning with him and his son and daughter and a grand daughter.

Today I wasn't alone, I had Tricia with me, a new volunteer.  We sat down next to him and started talking.  Dennis had his iPad on his lap so I asked him if he could show Tricia his band videos.  He was very happy to accommodate that request.

We watched Dennis singing and playing with his band in several videos.  Dennis also played a long video of his favorite Country Blues singer, which I unfortunately don't remember the name.

But we had a long and nice conversation about the music called Country Blues.  I had listened to music all of my life but I had never heard of Country Blues.  I had heard those songs before, but I did not know that it was it;s own music genre.

Are you a fan of the Country Blues?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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