Word Puzzles

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was hanging out with a difficult patient that the nurse's were very happy for me to take her off their hands!  This patient was very alert and active, and was asking the nurse's for something every five minutes and driving them crazy!  That's where a good volunteer is worth his weight in gold!

Delores and I hung out together just hanging out.  We talked for a few hours, I took her outside in the wheelchair for about five minutes.  That's all it took for her to find out that it was way too hot outside!  So we then quickly went back to her room.

When we got back to her room she brought out a book of word puzzles.  She loves word puzzles!  We took turns finding the words.  We did that and were having a great time until the chaplain came to talk with Delores.  He was there for about thirty minutes.

When he left,  Delores got out her phone.  She had a word game on her phone!  We played that one for a while, that was a more challenging puzzle!  She let me hold her phone and she just wrote it down on paper.

We had a great time together!  Her nurse came in and as they were talking, I gave her my farewells and I left for the day.  The nurse was introducing to Delores the game called "candy crush."  I visited with her for seven hours!  We had a nice time together and the time just flew by.

Have you ever played word puzzles with someone else?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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