The Iraqi Family

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had been hanging out with the nurse's for about fifteen minutes, they were talking about how different some families can be.  You can read more about that in the post called, "Families are different."

I then went across the hall to visit with an Iraqi family.  The father was the patient and was unconscious and in bed.  He is an elderly man in his eighties and has a terminal nervous system disease.

The patients wife was a short, plump lady in her seventies and was sitting on the chair and always on her phone.  Which was okay since she could not speak any English.  The son was in his fifties and he was sitting on the couch, his English was very good.

The family were originally from Baghdad, Iraq.  But they had left thirty or forty years ago for Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates.  The son had been sent to boarding school in England and had lived there for twenty years, but now lives in Abu Dhabi.

The father had a nervous system disease and could not get treatment for it there and so they had all come here to seek treatment.  Unfortunately, they had no cure here as well, and they assigned him to our hospice to be made comfortable.

Do you know of anyone from Iraq?  Can you tell us about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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