Dirty Jokes

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on a Saturday morning.  I was sitting with a patient named John,  He had spent his whole life abusing cocaine and being locked up in Prison here in Texas.  He was a very talkative and a fun guy to hang out with this morning.

We went out to the smoking gazebo so he could smoke a cigar and returned to his room.  We sat there and John had told me a lot of great stories.  Then he started to tell some dirty jokes!  John had spent most of his adult life in prison, so he was always around a lot of rough language!

Since this is a nice and decent blog, I will not tell you any of these dirty jokes John and I enjoyed together.  Your eye's are much to delicate to be exposed to that kind of humor.  Nope, I will not share any of them.

Well, okay, maybe just one!  If you are a delicate little flower, just skip over it.

"There was three pregnant women talking with each other.  One of the women said to the other two that the doctor said that she was going to have a boy.  How does he know, one of the ladies asked?  Because I was on the bottom when we had sex!  The second lady then said that she must be having a girl since I was on top during sex!  The third pregnant lady screamed out, 'My God, I'm going to have puppies!'"

After that we started laughing real loud, I seen Doctor Glass walk by smiling at us.  She didn't hear what we said, but she enjoyed our moment together.

After John told his jokes today, he died four days later!

Do you know of a dirty joke?  Can you tell it to us in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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