Her Family Tree

Hello everyone.  Praise the world!

I was going up to the third floor and walked down the hallway.  Most of the rooms on the third floor were empty.  The first floor was closed, but the second floor was close to full.  I walked down the hallway on the third floor to the nurses station.

As I approached the station, I seen two of our nurses looking at a computer.  I walked up thinking that they were doing nursing things on the computer.  one of the nurses was Rene, one of our older nurses that I see all of the time, and the other one was an older nurse that I rarely see.

I was standing there listening to them talk to each other.  Instead of talking about nursing, they were talking about family history.  That perked my interest because I love genealogy!  Rene has fourteen brothers and sisters!

I walk around and sit behind them.  They are looking up Rene's family.  The other nurse had an account with Ancestor.com and was using her program to look up Rene's family.  They found a lot of her's family already on there, and it was fun to here them find people and old pictures.

Most of the third floor was mostly empty that day, and so they had a little bit of free time.  Rene has a big family and a rich family history.  She was born and raised in Crosby, North Dakota.  It is always nice to see people find their family roots.

Do you know of your family roots?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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