The Bus Story

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was in the room with an elderly lady named Delores.  She had just lost her husband of forty-five years.  Now she has cancer as well.  She has throat and tongue cancer from smoking all of her life.  She has had feelings of being scared!

I told her that a lady in her position, being scared was a normal feeling.  That didn't make her feel any better, but she did now understand her feelings better.  I even told her that she will see her deceased husband again some day!

Then Brother Tony walks into the room.  Brother Tony is a Catholic Deacon and is a volunteer chaplain for our hospice.  Delores told Brother Tony that she was scared.

Brother Tony told her that Jesus loves her and that she should rest in His love!  He held her hand and told her that God was showing His love through him.

Brother Tony told a true story that he had heard from someone else.  He said that this man had died for a few minutes!  He reported that he had stepped into a bus and sat in the back of this bus.  The inside of the bus started to glow and he felt so good!  He said, "just imagine the happiest that you have ever felt.  Now magnify that by a thousand times, that is how he felt on that bus!

Brother Tony told Delores that that is how heaven is going to be and it is just a reflection of the love of God.  Delores felt so much better after that story.  Brother Tony is awesome!

Do you know of a story about going to heaven?  Can you tell us about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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