French Refinement

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had walked into a room at our hospice and found an older lady lying in bed, an elderly man sitting on the couch, and a middle-aged lady standing by the foot of the bed.

 The patient had a low husky voice that made me think that she was really born male!  The man on the couch was wearing dirty sandals and was dressed kind of funny.  The lady was very refined and attractive.

They  were friends of the patient and had brought french pastries from an expensive bakery with them.  They gave me one and it was delicious!  I did make a mess, but I did clean it up.

All three were fluent in the french language.  The patient was from France, but when I said that I have been to Paris three times, she avoided telling me where in France she was from, which I thought was kind of odd.

The man on the couch said that he was french and lived in Egypt and studied French culture in Egypt.  But he also said that he was a walking buddy of the other two.  So that didn't really add up either!

The attractive lady spoke fluent french also, but when I asked her where she learned to speak french, she was very evasive!  So none of that was really adding up!  But I could discern that they were all very wealthy and were used to the finer things of life.  They all seemed to be fascinated with french refinement.

They gave me that nice pastry to eat, so I didn't want to pry into their secrets too much!  Some things are just meant to be secret!

Do you know of anyone into the french culture?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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