I'm Not Getting A Bagger

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice on a warm Saturday morning in a room of a fifty-four-year-old lady who is dying of tongue and throat cancer.  Her husband was in the room and her sister was in and out of the room all morning.

I did have a long visit with her husband.  We talked a lot about a lot of different subjects.  It did take his mind off of his wife's condition for several hours!  He was a great guy and we got alone very well!

He shared with me about his Harley-Davidson motorcycle and how he and his wife would love to ride together.  His wife loved to ride his bike and the four-wheeler that they had at their lake house.

He had always rode a straight bike.  He had always vowed to never ride a bagger!  A "bagger" is a motorcycle with side bags for storage.  It's a macho biker thing that bagger motorcycles are just not manly enough!

His wife started to nicely nag him about getting a motorcycle with storage, he resisted for a long time, worrying about his manly image!  Finally he broke down and got a bagger in order to please her!

He soon found out that having bags on your bike was very handy!  He found out that he could bring a lot of stuff with him on his rides that he could not bring before!  He said that he now loves his bagger and would not ride anything else now.

Do you ride a bagger?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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