Praying With Each Other

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It was a cloudy day today at the hospice but nice and warm.  I was talking to this little middle aged Christian lady.  She was only four feet something and was thin. Her name was Sally and she was very nice and had a beautiful smile.

She had been telling me about her mother, whom was the patient, and her sister.  Sally was making the hard decisions about their mother and her sister had some issues with it.

Sally was very distraught about her bad relations with her sister. Throughout our conversation she asked for prayer concerning her situation.

So I just told her, "lets pray," as I extended my hands toward her.  She smiled approvingly and we held hands.  I said a nice prayer to God about her situation and a blessing upon her and her family.

Sally in turn prayed for me and my family.  It was very nice to pray for her and I think it made a very big difference in her feelings about her situation.  It's always nice to pray with and for others as we are only frail people and we need help from the Almighty throughout our short lives.

Have you ever prayed for someone else?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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