My Three Dreams

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at the hospice last Saturday morning and I had a nice long visit with this little Christian lady with a beautiful smile.  Sally was only about four feet tall and thin.  Her mother was dying and Sally's sister was giving her a hard time.

Sally said that God had given her direction and comfort in a serious of three dreams that she had recently.  She was very joyful about the dreams and was sure that they came from God.

Her first dream  she seen her mother walking along a grassy meadow and the arm of God came up and around her mother and scooped her up and took her up to heaven!

Her second dream see seen her mother up in heaven and God was there clapping His hands in a sign of approval that her mother was in heaven!

Her third dream was that she seen her mother in a large airliner flying through the air.  On either side she seen eagles flying with the airplane.  Sally said that this was a sign that her mother was escorted to heaven by angels!

Sally was under stress and I wanted to provide her comfort, so I readily agreed with her.  I told her that her dreams were awesome and she was right about the interpretation.  All that really mattered to me was her comfort and happiness!

Have you ever had dreams that you thought were from God?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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