Everyone Needs An Earl In Their Lives!

Hello Everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I went into a room with an eighty-one year old man in the bed and an older man sitting on the chair next to him.  They had been talking when I came in to offer them some mints.  The older man in the chair took a few.  His name was Earl, the patients nephew.

They had been talking about some family member troubles.  They stopped their conversation.  They asked me to try and turn on their TV, which would not work.  I didn't have my reading glasses on, but started pushing buttons on the side of the TV.  The bottom one turned the TV on and it worked!  I got lucky!

He wanted to turn it on CNN.  They both were political liberals and preferred that channel.  They asked about my political beliefs.  I told them that I was an independent.  That answer always gets me out of trouble!  He also asked me what religion I was.  I told him that I was a "Holy Roller Pentecostal!"  He said that he didn't think too much of religion.  I told him that nether did Jesus.

He said that he had been an heavy equipment operator and had worked all over.  I told him that I had worked for Brown & Root construction company for two years.  He said that he worked for Brown & Root for thirty-two months building the South Texas Nuclear Power Plant in Bay City, Texas.

The man had no appetite but was drinking a lot of water.  When his cup was empty, Earl walked around the bed and refilled it.  The patient said to me that Earl was the best nephew a man could have!  I immediately said that, "everyone needs an Earl around!"  I then heard Earl say under his breathe, "you never gave me anything as a kid!"  That told me there was some hard feelings.  He seemed like a rough construction worker type.

Do you know of a hard nosed man in your life?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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