Horrible Harris

Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!

I was sitting with this little small middle-aged lady at our hospice. She had told me earlier in the morning that she only weighed eighty-six pounds! I believe it because she was very short, and very, very skinny.

Her father was laying in bed for he was the patient. She already been there two weeks sitting by his bedside. I spent all morning with her, and she told me many stories about herself, and her father.

One are the stories is about how her father met her mother. Her father had a reputation as being a horrible man. He was an manager working in an office building, not long after World War Two. He was so horrible everyone in the building gave them the nickname of "Horrible Harris!". And that was a nickname that stuck for his entire life.

One day "Horrible Harris," fell down to the ground screaming in agony, saying that his back went out! While he was screaming for help, she said that her father had asked for her mother by name. Her mother had also worked as in the same building.

So this lady's future mother, walked over and assisted Horrible Harris, which would soon be her father of the future. After her father got some assistance, and his back was much better, he asked her mother out for supper to thank her for helping him.

That was their first date together, and that eventually turned into a marriage, and then the lady told me a story was their future daughter! I was sitting next to her when she told me the story, And I laughed and said that was a great story.

I told her that her father must have really liked her mother, if he went to all that trouble just to get to know her. We both laughed together and agreed that it was a strange love story but one that worked out in the end!

Have you heard of a love story lately? Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

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