A Day Too Late!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at home in the evening relaxing when I received a phone call.  The elderly gentleman calling was a friend of my parents but also a friend of mine as well.  In fact, I'm named after him. He and my dad were in the Air Force together and they were drinking buddies!

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He lives in the same small town as my mother and I.  We've known him for years and he has been a great friend and neighbor.  Just the same, even though he comes by once in a while, he never calls me.  He has visited and called my parents all the time, but never me.

He called and said that he is neighbor was in the hospice where I serve. He shared with me that Mr. Pillows was a great neighbor, and he was friends with him for decades!  He asked if I could come by and visit with him at our hospice.  This was Tuesday I told him I'd come Saturday coming up, and I would be happy to visit with him.

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Saturday morning I got there at my usual time of nine-in-the-morning.  I looked at the census sheet and did not see his name.  His name was Mr. Pillows, a very easy name to remember, plus I also wrote it down.

But it was not on the census sheet, so I walked over to the charge nurse and inquired about him with her. she looked up his name and soon discovered that he had passed away at five-in-the-morning the day before!  Unfortunately, I was a day too late!

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So I called my friend from the nurses station, and told him the bad news.  He was very happy I called and we had very long conversation.  he had already know that he had passed away the day before, but he wanted to tell me what a great guy he was, and a great friend and neighbor had always been to him.

We had a wonderful phone conversation about his neighbor, and I think it was very therapeutic for him.  He thanked me profusely or trying to visit with him. I told him it was my pleasure, and that it was a shame he died so quickly.  It's too bad that a death of a mutual friend can cause people to become closer!  We need to find ways to come closer without a death in the family doing it for us.

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Has a death in your family brought your family and friends closer together?  Can you tell me about it in the comment section?

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