The Crying Children

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It was a Friday afternoon, which is not my day, but I had come to tell Elisa goodbye.  She is leaving to be a missionary in Chiapas, Mexico.  So, since I was already there, I decided to visit some folks.

I found myself eventually on the third floor nurses station.  I was talking to Tina, one of our nurses.  We were trading ghost stories!  This is one that she told me that she experienced!

She was with a patient that was "active" and his wife was also in the room.  An active patient is one that is in the dying process and it will not be long.

Our nurse was talking to the patient with his wife sitting in the chair.  He all of a sudden gets a serious look on his face!  He is staring at the ceiling by the wall of his room.  He asked Tina, with a troubled voice, "I don't know what to tell them!"

Tina lovingly asks him what he is talking about.  He says that by the ceiling is a line of children crying and pointing at him!  He asked then what they wanted, but they would not tell him anything!  So he was getting agitated by their presence.

The wife was scared and had no idea.  His wife and Tina could not see anything. So, Tina just told him that it was due to the medication and they will leave soon.  A few hours later the patient passed away.

Have you ever heard of a ghost story?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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