Seventeen Stents!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was in a room visiting with a seventy-year-old lady named Mary.  Mary had a bad heart for years now, but recently has had a heart attack.  She was weak and the doctors thought that she would dye soon, but three weeks later, she is still with us!  You can read more about it in the posts called, "Seventeen stents," "You are so sweet,"  Body dancing,"  "I had to get away,"  Rochester gauges,"  "Skipping school."

During her ten or so years of heart trouble, she had eventually accumulated seventeen stents in her veins and around her heart!  She also has a pacemaker put in her!

She had been living with her daughter, which lives in Deer Park, Texas.  Her two sons lived in Dallas, Texas.  Mary had grown up in Houston, Texas and moved to Dallas as a young lady.  You can read about that in the post called, "I had to get away."

Even though she has had a rough ten years, you would never know it from talking to her.  She has a happy attitude about life and is very fun to talk too.  She loves visitors and will talk your head off!  She was a joy to visit with.

I'm sure she was in a lot of pain, probably has been in pain for ten years now.  To be so happy in her condition I thought was very amazing!  I would probably be a little cranky!  I am always impressed with people who can be happy when they have every reason not to be!

Do you know of anyone with a lot of stints around their heart?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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