The Children Of Hospice

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was standing at the nurses station with three nurses.  They were discussing among themselves about some of the unique situations that hospice nurses find themselves!  A lot of the times they have to hold peoples hand as they pass away!  Sometimes it's to council family members or even break up fights!

They all agreed that people don't understand that children die too!  That they have patients that are children and that they have to grow up very fast during their illness.  They get children from new born babies up to seventeen.

One fifteen year old girl even had to decide not to continue her treatments on her own.  Her parents were in total denial about her condition!  But this brave young lady understood what the doctor was telling her and she had a good understanding of her cancer.

Even eight or ten year old kids seem to grow up and mature very rapidly when they are faced with the end of their young lives!  The gravity of their condition forces it upon them!  They say that it's a sad process to witness!

And they see a lot of babies come in and out of the hospice.  Volunteers like me and even nurses will take turns rocking the dying babies.  Some parents in denial.  Some parents even abandon the baby to our care.  We love them until the end.  They will be babies forever.

Have you ever known a child of hospice?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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