Though The Back Door

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at the hospice and I just made some fresh coffee and I was walking to our workroom. I planned on going upstairs because the downstairs was walled off.  Whenever they move a body of one of the rooms we have large doors that separate, and close the hallway. Then the mortuary workers can then roll the body to the back utility elevator or exit discreetly.

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I was walking past the hallway doors, which were closed for just that purpose, and a young couple came walking through the front doors.  A man and a woman of about thirty, the woman was carrying a little child.

 Since Albert, our security guard was watching the back door and helping with a mortuary workers he was not there at his post.  So I approached this young family, and asked if I can help them. They asked to see a patient named Hector, which I recognized to be in the very back room by the back door.

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Since nobody can go down that hallway when the mortuary workers are taking a body out ,we normally can't go through there.  But at the end of the hallway, it makes an "L" turned and the room they wanted to go to was at the very back of the hall.

So I says we can get there but we have to go through the garden to the back door.  It was a very beautiful day out and they were very pleasant people.  He was a young Hispanic man and probably the grandson or son of the patient.  The lady was a young pretty girl and she was holding their baby.

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So I let them through the garden to the back door.  I open the door and I told them that Hector was in the first room on the right.  Albert was there watching the back door and he nodded at me. The young family walked in and went to the first door on the right.

I had briefly explain to the couple why the doors in the hallway were closed and why we were going through the garden.  They were very understanding about it and was very courteous.  Sometimes there's more than one way to get the job done!  I got this young nice couple into the room where they need to go to visit with their loved one!
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Have you ever had to do something out of the ordinary get to get the job done?  Can you tell me about it in the comment section?

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