F**k God!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at our hospice visiting with a really nice Hispanic lady named Irma.  She was a middle-aged lady of fifty-two-years of age.  And her family had said that she is way too young to be passing away!  Irma is a dedicated Christian and has put her faith in the hands of God!

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Irma only has one daughter herself, but has a large extended family.  She has a lot of cousins around town and cross the country.  She has two cousins that are Mormons, and one is an atheist, the rest are Roman Catholics.

Irma said that her Mormon cousins don't try to push their faith on her or anyone else.  But the atheist is always trying to attack everyone else's faith.  I told Irma that it takes a lot of faith to be an atheist, and she laughed and agreed!

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One time she was at her atheist cousins house and they were having a talk about God. Her cousin said, "f**k God, I don't need any God in my life!"  Irma said that her atheist cousin just wants to live her life the way she wants without any rules.

We chatted about her atheist cousin and agreed that she has a lot of problems in her life.  Some people are just naturally selfish and just want to live for themselves their whole life.  I suspect that this is one of those folks. I have always thought that atheism was a sad way to live one's life!

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Do you know an atheist in your life?  Can you tell me about them in the comments section?

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