Billie Came Home

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was sitting at the downstairs nurses station taking a break and chatting with the nurses.  When I was ready to go again, I seen across the hall, through an open door, a lady and a couple family members. So I decided they'd be the next folks I would visit with this morning.

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I got up out of my chair and walk across the hall to the room. Inside, on my left, in bed is an elderly lady. Directly in front of me at the foot of the bed is a middle-aged lady. Standing next to her and to my right is a young girl probably in her mid-twenties.

I walk in and offered them some mints, and we start talking.  The middle-aged lady is the daughter of the patient.  And the young lady is the daughter of the middle-aged lady.  So in one room we have three generations!
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The middle-aged lady introduced herself, and her daughter, and her mother.  She then goes on to tell me how her mother, named Billie, grew up just across the street from the hospice. Or hospice is made up of an old mansion, and a newer three-story section.

When the lady grew up across the street the newer section was not here but the old mansion was indeed here.  Billie grew up in this neighborhood and knew the area well.  She said that the bayou behind the Mansion was her playground growing up!

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I was amazed to hear this news since back then this area was countryside!  Now it's an inner-city environment!  She told me this area was countryside and woods and open fields back In those days! Only dirt roads and farm houses existed.

Then we talked about how all the changes have happened since then.  This whole area is now built up and is now city.  There is not any countryside for many miles from here today!  We talked about how the owner of the Mansion was the mayor of Houston five separate times!

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The daughter of the patient did all the talking, and the young lady just stood there and smiled and agreed with her.  Both of them were very nice, and the patient was lying and resting.  At that time I wish I could have spoken with her and ask her about her growing up in this area myself!

It's amazing how people see such dramatic changes in the landscapes of our lives, and our  environment!  Billie grew up here, and learned about life here, eventually she moved away, but now she has finally come home!

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Do you know somebody who knows the history of the area where you live?  Can you tell me about it in the comment section?

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