Mohan The Mohawk

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Every so often we have a class of new volunteers to help us all out.  They attend twenty-five hours of training over a period of three Saturday's.  The one I have today is a young man, and a recent graduate from Rice University. 

Image result for rice university

His name is Mohan, which I had a nit of trouble remembering.  After asking what his name is a few times, I decided to give him a nickname!  I called him Mohan the Mohawk, because the beginning sounds similar, and it would help me remember his name.

He came to Houston to attend Rice University, but he is originally from North-East Pennsylvania.  His parents immigrated here from South-East India years ago.  He is a lean young man with glasses, and very bright and out-going.

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We started to see patients and family members.  It started a little slow at first, and then we had three really wonderful visits!  Mohan did a great job and we had a really good time.  Once I even left him alone for a few minutes while I asked the nurses a question about raising the shutters. 

He did a wonderful job and I was proud of him!  It is always a pleasure for me to offer a bit of training to others.  I have over ten years of experience and it is a blessing for me to share some of that knowledge to others!

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Do you train others in some field?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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