She ran out of Gas!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had Joy shadowing me, our new Korean-American young lady who wants to volunteer with us.  We are walking down the hallway and Joy is staying by the nurses, so I wave at her and told he not to be shy and follow me.  She is holding the mints and the balloon we got from our last visit, (See the post The Queen of Queens).

We walk in together and introduce ourselves. well, I do it for Joy, since she is a little shy.  They are a Hispanic family.  There was an elderly man was the patient, his wife and their daughter.  I went in their because I had seen the daughter and thought that she was a young boy and we could give the balloon to him.  It turns out that she was a woman and had a male haircut and butch looking.

After our introductions, she said that her husband was restless and was having a hard time.  She said that it was very hard on her.  I step to her side and give her a nice side hug.  She really appreciated the compassion.

I asked her where they had meet and she laughed and said at a bazaar.  I asked, "A church Bazaar?" She giggles and said, "yes."  I told her, glancing at her husband, that if you want to find a good man, church is the place to find one!  She agreed and said that her husband was indeed a good man.

As we sat down, she told me that a few days ago,  her other daughter had run out gas on the freeway!  Her daughter said it was no big deal on the phone but she said that she was scared to death. She is a waitress in the area and a friend came to help her out. Not only because she ran out of gas on the freeway but also because she had MS.

With her father in the hospice, her daughters MS was much worse because of all of the stress.  She told us that she would sometimes walk crocked because of her MS.  I told her that I had an uncle who had MS from his time in the Navy.  We both had a common connection.

Then the daughter that was present said that she lived in Conroe, a town just north of here.  We talked about that it was really growing over there.  She was very nice, but looked like she was gay, which is not a problem, just giving a description.

We had a very nice visit, then Sarah, the Charge nurse came in and asked me if I could give a tour to a group at the entrance.  So, I gave the wife a nice hug and we departed as friends.

Do you know someone with MS?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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