A Man in his own World.

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was sick last weekend,so I didn't go to the hospice to volunteer.  I didn't want to spread this junk around!  I don't get sick very often. I have a good habit of eating well balanced meals. I don't eat in the evening and lately I have been fasting on Sundays.

So, I decided to tell this story of a visit that I had a few years ago.  It was interesting and I hope you enjoy it.

I was not at the hospice very long before I got a request from one of our wonderful nurses about a man, who is a patient, and he wanted to go out to the garden to enjoy the outdoors.

But they did let me know that this gentleman was hallucinating due to his brain cancer and medication.  But they assured me that he is very safe and a nice man and his condition should not be a problem.

I kinda looked at her a little weird, and she just smiled at me and went to get a wheelchair.  She retrieved the wheelchair and was still smiling as we went to the patients room.

The man was a middle aged Hispanic gentleman and he seemed ready to go.  The nurse unhooked him from his bed and got him in the wheelchair, which was quick and easy.  I introduced myself to him and he thanked me for taking the time to wheel him outside.

Since we were already on the first floor it was not long before we we're outside of the hospice in the back garden, by the back door and on the sidewalk. 

He was in his wheelchair and I was sitting on one of the garden benches.  It was a beautiful spring morning, cool with a gentle breeze blowing through the trees.

The first thing he said was that he was pleased that I was working for him, and he would consider giving me a pay raise!  I then had to tell him that I was not able to accept that since I was only a volunteer.  He looked amazing confident and said that he would put me on the list for hiring.

I just smiled and thanked him for his generosity.  He was relaxing and enjoying the fresh air and exclaimed that he was so glad that he had bought this property years ago!  I said "This property is yours?" He exclaimed that it sure was and that he has lots of bedrooms and I could stay for free if I wanted!

With a small smile I thanked him and congratulated him on a brilliant purchase.  I said that it was a nice place and I'm sure he enjoyed it. E said that he loved living there and that he had a lot of fun partying and drinking with family and friends here.

About this time a man and his daughter came out of the other back door of the garden and was walking around.  The man that I was with looked at him and he yelled at him to come over.  I asked if he had known them, and he assured me that he did. He said that they were the neighbors across the street!

The man and his young daughter finally did come over, they were very nice and understanding. My patient greeted them as if he had known them for years.  I was behind my patient and softly communicated that he was hallucinating.  He man an his daughter understand right away and was very agreeable to playing the part.

My patient spoke with them as if he had known them all of his life. The man and his daughter smiled at him and played along.  After awhile they they continued down the walkway and through the garden. 

After they had left, he told me that he had been a great neighbor for years and liked him.  I said that he was so blessed by God to have nice neighbors and such a beautiful estate to live in!  He said God did indeed bless him and was ready to go and live with God now.

Soon after we headed back to the room.  This just shows that we can be gentle with people in their right mind and with people who are in their own little world!

Brother Roop


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