The Joke

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Victor, the social worker therapist from Brownsville, TX, told me a joke while we were talking in the break room.  He was very good at remembering jokes.  A skill that I never had developed.

A woman died one day and went to the Pearly Gates.  St. Peter was there guarding the gate.  She said that she wanted to get into Heaven.  St. Peter told her that if she could spell "love" she could enter in.  So she spelled l-o-v-e.

St. Peter said, "well done you may now enter Heaven for all eternity!"  She jumped for joy!  But before you go into Heaven, can you guard the gate so I can take care of some business?  She said, "sure, how do I do that?"  He just said to ask people who come to the gate to spell "love."  If they can spell it let them in and if they cannot turn them away.  She said, Okay."

So, St. Peter leaves, and she is guarding the gate.  Many people come and she tells them to spell "love" and they go into Heaven.  Her ex-husband comes next to the gate asking to come into Heaven.  She tells him he has to spell something to get in.  He asked her what.  She told him to spell "Czechoslovakian Chihuahua!"

Anyone else know of a joke?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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